Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We are working on an extension to an existing building and need to demolish a few parts of it.

So we set up the drawing to create the existing building by setting the Phase of the View (in the View Properties) to "Existing" and drew the structure. The properties of the elements that needed to be demolished were changed accordingly.

A new View, this time set to "New Construction" revealed the old building and dashed, red lines where elements needed to be torn down. I didn't like that line style, so I figured I'd change it.

Silly me thought this would be accomplished by going to R > Manage > Settings > Line Styles and changing the line style.


Confusion ensued.

After some searching I found that the line style used for demolished parts is in the R > Manage > Phases dialogue, under the Graphic Override tab:

Fair enough. That worked. (Mark it up as another one of those Revit oddities.)

But can someone explain to me, what the line style is for?


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